How can I contact you?

The SRN is located on the Ground Floor of the ShawbellConsulting and Ghana Institute of Consulting Building, at Ring Road East, North Labone in Accra.  The building is next to Expert Travel & Tours, Labone Junction.  (At Labone Junction towards Labone Secondary School, take the first left turn before the Osu Children's Home. We are 2-minute walk down the Road. You may also call 0302 767609 for directions).

Am I guaranteed a job after training?

There is no guarantee of a job after training. However, there is the potential of getting linked up to our partners for a potential job – either for an internship, contract, temporary or even permanent employment.

How can students and partners get on board?

For Students:

Students must register for the SGPP. At the end of the one month’s training, students must take an examination to qualify for the Stellar Graduate Certificate, which entitles them to be admitted into The Skills Bank. 


For Partners:

To join the SRN, Partners must agree in writing to be registered as a Partner. After fulfilling the registration requirements, the prospective Partner will be admitted into the SRN after paying a one-time registration fee. Thereafter, the Partner is, at any time, free to provide to the SRN a Needs Listing of the Stellar Graduates it seeks.

How much does it cost for potential partners to come on board?

Except for a small, one-time registration fee, access to the services of the SRN is free of charge to the Partners.

How much would it cost for students?

Students only need to pay a highly subsidized fee for the course which includes training and all course materials. All the other services are free of charge. 

What is the Skills Bank?

The Skills bank is a key feature of the SRN. It is a repository of stellar graduates i.e. qualified students who have gone through the Stellar Graduate Professional Programme and passed the certificate exams and have registered their interest to be linked up to potential jobs with our partners.

Why should recent graduates and potential partners be part of the Skills Resource Network? What do they stand to gain?

For Graduates: 

  1. Specialized training that will make them stand out to employers in any business environment
  2. The opportunity to be matched with employers that seeks value-added staff to work as interns, temporary or even permanent employees.
  3. Exclusive Networking Opportunities
  4. Career Advisory Services

For Partners:

      i.  Skilled, vetted prospective employees

     ii.  Cost and time savings on recruitment

    iii.  Support in reaching Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

    iv.  The opportunity to support job growth and youth development in Ghana 

How different are you from other institutions?

The SRN is neither a recruitment agency nor a training institute. Rather as mentioned earlier, it is a non-profit organization that aims at providing links between its partners who are mainly corporate entities on one hand and qualified students that have been trained to join a repository of skilled resources called the Skills Bank.

What is the Skills Resource Network (SRN)?

The Skills Resource Network (SRN) is a unique non-profit organization created in 2009 to prepare graduates for the world of work through specialist training that exposes them to the benefits of a more alert and critical business mind.


For employers, the SRN provides a ready pool of Stellar Graduates who are trained to hit the ground running in any job for which they are hired.


For students, the SRN offers the opportunity to be suitably matched with an employer that seeks value-added staff to work as interns, temporary and permanent employees.


Ultimately, the key objective of the SRN is to support the Government of Ghana in its drive to reduce the level of unemployment among qualified youth in Ghana.